For those of you that know me.. you would know that for a few years now Stuart and I give to 12 different charities over Christmas. Well, seeing today is 12-12-12 we thought we'd start the giving today and continue until Xmas day.
Our chosen charities for this year are:
- Kids Help Line - this charity helped me a fair amount as a child, and now you can help them too by donating here.
Myself and my great big clown! |
- Save the Tasmanian Devil - these cute little devils are dying from a cancerous tumour that grows on their faces, and is spreadable unlike any other cancer. You can donate here.
Stuart and I in Tasmania with a little devil there between us.
- RSPCA - if you are a lover of all animals great and small, then donate to RSPCA here to help them continue helping those in need that can not ask for help.
Rescued injured Kookaburra catching dinner |
- Save African Rhino Foundation - the mighty, glorious, and above all my favourite animal is in dire need of help against poachers killing them for their horns. Please donate here, or even better - volunteer your time to travel with the team to help out this beautiful beasts.
White Rhino at Werribee Open Range Zoo
- Heart Foundation - when you have a family history like mine, it'd be silly not to donate to the heart foundation here.
My Grandfather and I - he has had so many heart problems. I can't wait to give him a Great-Grandchild!! |
- Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children - helping these children is an expensive process, so let's help them however we can. You can donate here. I wish I could sign so that I could teach littlies, but alas I've only ever been able to struggle my way through the alphabet.
- Fight Dementia - Stuart's grandmother suffered from Dementia, and although I unfortunately never had the pleasure of meeting her before she passed - I hope that we can help those that struggle. Donations can be made here.
Stuarts Uncle and Grandma (RIP) |
- The Australian Marine Conservation Society - Stuart's turn for his favourite animal, the Great White Shark. These are a beautiful animal, and I've had the joy of seeing them in once in Africa. Stuart has cage dived with Great White Sharks in both South Africa and Port Lincoln (South Australia). It is terrible to think that these ancient animals are still being killed for Asian shark fin soup! And even more disgusting that when someone gets taken off the beach (you know, in a sharks NATURAL zone) that we then decide to kill the poor animal for what it does instinctively! To help Australian sharks in danger, please donate here.
Stuart took this photo cage diving off Port Lincoln |
- Aids Trust - this is a charity that I have been giving to for years and years, but it was brought ever closer to home when a few years ago a friend found out they were HIV+. Also, all the pro-condoms advertising in Africa reminded me of how badly this disease is affecting us globally. Please donate here. Every week in Australia, 21 more people are being diagnosed as HIV+
Felt it inappropriate to post an photos of friends or family here. |
- WWF - help stop the illegal trade of animals and their parts by donating here. I've generally preferred to give specifically to a species in trouble, but we struggled so hard finding donation pages that looked legitimate - so blanket canvas it was!
Photo taken at Australia Zoo 2011 |
- Save the Children - as a child, I grew up below the poverty line. My mother still managed to pay for me to attend my music tuition lessons - sometimes we ate the basic meals for this, or she would go without. So, personally, I don't really see an excuse for why parents can't provide their children with everything they need. I certainly never went without. If you are a parent who has children struggling to have what they need, why don't you try putting your booze and cigarettes aside, and maybe stop treating yourself first!! Anyways, it is not the children fault.. so please help them by donating.
Myself (11) and Mayumi Ishikuro (13) at Currimundi Beach.
- National Breast Cancer Foundation - now, I may be slightly off with my information here, but it is my belief that both my mother, and my fathers' mother have suffered from breast cancer - which, in turn, puts me at high risk. So for purely selfish reasons, I donate here to help find a cure.
My Grandmother, mother and I with dolly. |
Finally.. seeing as we are discussing Christmas, I have found a couple of links to some last minute gift ideas that are kind to everyone!!
With love,
Chantal xx
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